Is your branding holding you back?
Many SMEs have grown in status, style and size since they first created their brand. This means their branding might not represent their business as well as it once did.
Ultimately, if your audience does not connect with your branding they will not connect with your business nor your products.
Your branding should be ARSED:
- Authentic, true to your business, your customers and your mission
- Relevant, showing exactly what you offer
- Straightforward, communicating clearly with your market audience
- Emotional, able to offer a solution to a problem
- Different, setting you apart from everyone else
Have a look at our checklist below and find out if your brand is holding you back.
Your product has changed
Products and services change, especially in the fast paced business world we live in. If your product or service has changed since your business was first funded your branding is probably still reflecting the business as it once was. Your brand is an essential part of your business, it is not separate from it, therefore, it should evolve and grow with your business.
You are not seeing return on your marketing investment
Ah Marketing, can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Many businesses and marketers themselves often think the more you put into a campaign the more they are going to get out of it. If you are not getting the return on your marketing investment, despite all your efforts in creating the best possible campaigns, the reason might be your audience is not engaging with your branding and it is time to make a change.
Conversions are low
If you are getting a lot of people through to your website but conversions are low, one of the reasons might be that you are attracting the wrong customers. For instance, your branding is appealing to a group of people that are not likely to buy your products. Think about how your business has changed over the years and who your target market is, does your brand appeal to them?
Your business is divided
If you ask around the business, does everyone know what your business and product stand for? If your employees have different opinions of your brand, you probably need to change your direction. A strong brand is evident from the inside out and if your employees are not your best ambassadors, your returns are likely to be low.
Your customers don’t understand your products
Do your customers and potential customers really understand your product or service just by interacting with your branding? Perception is one of the most important parts of business and your brand is the key to ensure your customer base understands your business completely. Ask for their feedback, if there is a gap between what you offer and what you are perceived to offer, it’s time for a rebrand.
Is your branding holding you back? Don’t despair! We can help, contact us and let’s have a chat about what we can do to help.