Got an itch?!
Every entrepreneur gets them. They can be a curse.
Ideas pulled from experience, opportunity or even thin air!
And if it’s good enough, that itch you just have to scratch, could be the next big thing to set you on a path to greater things.
Side Hustle
We learned a new expression the other day, whilst enjoying a coffee with a millennial entrepreneur. Never afraid to learn, we let them do all the talking.
‘Side Hustle’, nothing illegal or dodgy, just an opportunist developing a small commercial enterprise. Perhaps to supplement their income, to increase their lifestyle or to have the fun of some cut and thrust in the business world. Many students started small businesses at university that have blossomed into huge multi million pound companies. They all started in the same place, with an idea and nothing else. Trial and error, luck and then hopefully some good advice from people more experienced and specialists in key areas of commerce.
Self Employment Opportunity
These Side Hustles give people an amazing opportunity to learn as well as generating hopefully a tidy profit!
Seek sound counsel and advice. Speak to an accountant and a business consultant, certainly do your market research, consider you brand positioning and your brand strategy.
Whilst it may seem like an ominous and time consuming task, when you get it right, it’s worth the efforts you’ve put in.
It’s never a straight road, we can tell you that and what you aim at, is rarely the target you hit!
You never know how far that spark of inspiration could take you, so be brave and pursue your dreams.
DELL Computers: Beginnings
This is a great commercial from a few years back.
Obviously targeting the US market, you may not have seen it. In the advert there may be some predominantly US brands you don’t know, and some brand icons that have gone on to change the world in their own way. What is does do, is beautifully illustrate that the beginnings of great companies are mostly humble start ups with drive and ambition.
Dell are clearly keen to align themselves with successful brands and position themselves as the tech that can support growth and innovation from a company’s inception through to its growth. There’s not a computer in sight in the commercial, but it builds trust and should inspire those entrepreneurs on the cusp of creating a business to go for it! Well done Dell!
So here’s some more encouragement and some things to think about:
Be Inspired – you have the imagination
Be Strategic – think before doing
Be Sensible – talk to the experts
Be Intuitive – trust your gut
Be Brave – accept the challenge
Responsive Brand Agencies can assist you not only with their thinking on brand positioning, brand identity and marketing. They should in addition, be able to connect you with trusted experts to help you navigate everything from funding, online retail platforms and accountancy to human resource advice and much more.
So, how’s that itch?
If it’s getting unbearable and you want to talk about making your idea a realistic business proposition with an intelligent brand strategy, great marketing collateral and a proven pool of business advisers in the West Midlands. Talk to Plan B, we’re on your side.